• Services

    ELF provides Consultations and Educational presentations for Private and Public people and entities, centered on Native and Edible Landscapes for Human and Wildlife Communities. All consultations are confidential unless public release is agreed upon.

    Video Consultations:
    United States ($60hr)
    Outside of USA ($100hr)

    In-Person and On-Site Consultation/Education:
    Baton Rouge Metro Area ($100hr)
    Outside of Baton Rouge Metro Area ($100hr + $1 per mi)

    Edible Landscape Foundations:
    Neighborhood Landscape Consultation ($500)
    Urban Planning Consultation ($500)

    Permaculture Designs:
    Homestead ($250)
    Community ($1000)

    Wildlife Habitat Consultation:
    Hunting Plots ($100hr)
    Declining Species Conservation ($100hr)

    Consultation & Education Retainer Fee ($1200yr and Up)
    -Fee includes Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Consultations as needed, depending on requested access.

    Contact: ELF@ELF.Garden