• Create your own Edible Landscapes!

    Lets get this out of the way…everyone kills plants! There is no such thing as a “brown thumb”, it is simply a matter of environment and input. You can do it, and ELF is here to help.

    The first step is deciding on what you want to do. A person may grow indoors or plant a food forest in their neighborhood, for wildlife a person may want to plant a butterfly garden or create a food plot for deer and birds. There can be a mix of everything, depending on the land that is available.

    Be realistic about the work. It’s easier to stay ahead than it is to catch up. Fruit trees and shrubs are easy, vegetable gardens are not, and I like easy!

    -Find the path of the Sun here.

    -Find the soil types of your area here.

    -Find growing zones here.

    -Consider plant size and space – Recommended Space is for ideal plant growth, not strict guidelines on its ability to produce or grow into a healthy tree.

    -Create/utilize micro-climates – Using plants and structures to create/utilize micro-climates enhances productivity. At the edge of a growing zone a little bit of cover from an evergreen tree, fence, or wall, can make a big difference.

    This website is a work in progress, so if you have questions contact us: ELF@ELF.Garden